Aigner Tunnel Technology GmbH, Dieselstraße 13, 4623 Gunskirchen bei Wels, Austria, Tel.: +43 / 7246 / 20 200 - 0, E-Mail:


Polish University as a new research-partner!

24 june 2014

We are excited about our new research-cooperation with polish "AGH University of Science and Technology"! 

The established scientific university is doing research and education in science on a high international level. For this reason it is regularly working together with other faculties and global companies. Since May 2015 Aigner Tunnel Technology is one of those companies!

In the future we will perform various joint lectures and present our compiled achievements in common! At the same time we are really excited about sharing our know-how for master and research dissertations and organising industrial trainings for students.

Many thanks to "AGH University of Science and Technology" in Cracow for their confidence and commitment! We are looking forward to exchanging our experiences in forthcoming projects! 

Picture: Heinz Aigner (left) & Prof. Tomasz Szmuc (right) signing the contract. Behind: Prof. Piotr Czaja (left) & Prof. Stanislaw Nawrat (right).

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