Aigner Tunnel Technology GmbH, Dieselstraße 13, 4623 Gunskirchen bei Wels, Austria, Tel.: +43 / 7246 / 20 200 - 0, E-Mail:


Stampa Invia

Mont-Blanc, France





"Tunnel du Mont Blanc"

Built in 2010. The air quality in Chamonix down in the valley is the reason for the installation of an air cleaning system. Particulate matter produced by the exhaust system on the French side should be reduced with our new ECCOEP.

Aigner Tunnel Technology is responsible for the technical design of the plant and installation of a turn-key filtration plant including all necessary technical equipment. The filter has to be installed in an existing ventilation room. This is the reason for a split version of the ECCOEP in two parts to fit it into the available space.

Technical data 

System: 1 x ECCOEP
Length: 11611 m
Tubes: 1, bidirectional traffic
Airflow: 400 m3/s


Choice for Aigner

During the selection of qualified partners for the project, the tunnel operators first time heard about us. They gathered information and got into contact with us. When we had finally won an international call for bids, they were definitely convinced that we would be the most convenient company for this challenging project. With that decision they were totally on the right track! The tunnel operators are highly pleased with our job and collaboration! Altogether the Mont Blanc Tunnel was an absolutely successful project for both parties!






Project Mont-Blanc, France

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Sistema di filtrazione per
Traforo del Monte Bianco